Plato did not invent the word “philosophy”, but he rendered its meaning and scope radically other; he totally...
Sartre on God: Impossible and a Dream
The assumption that there exists a God, a conscious God that preceded and created the universe is something...
Camus on Art, Absurd Artists, and the Absurd
In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus says that there exists between art and the absurd a contradictory relation,...
Schopenhauer on Denial of the Will
Denial of the will, Schopenhauer says, must be the objective of every philosophizing and all thinking. Salvation occurs...
Sartre on Love: Paradoxical and Impossible
For Sartre, love is impossible; love is a project that inevitably fails. Love is an endeavor to be...
Simone de Beauvoir on Love
According to Simone de Beauvoir, men and women experience, feel, and think about love differently. This difference renders...
Derrida on Forgiveness and the Unforgivable
For Derrida, forgiveness occurs and first becomes possible only when it passes through its own impossibility, when it...
Plato on Love
Love is one of the main themes that Plato repeatedly philosophizes, thinks, discusses, and talks about. In the...
Sartre on Abandonment
According to Sartre, abandonment does not mean that we are forgotten about or left behind by a certain...
Heidegger on Temporality
For Heidegger, temporality is how time conditions and determines Being in general and the being of Dasein in...
Simone de Beauvoir and Existentialism
The thinking-philosophizing of Simone de Beauvoir is grounded in existentialism, its detours, and attempts; it takes existentialism as...
Schopenhauer on Life and Human Existence
According to Schopenhauer, suffering permeates life and shapes human existence; it cannot be escaped or eliminated, for it...
Camus on Happiness in The Myth of Sisyphus
In The Myth of Sisyphus, Camus thinks from out the question of suicide, toward and into happiness, whose...
Sartre on Existentialism in Existentialism Is a Humanism
In Existentialism Is a Humanism, Sartre introduces the detours of his existentialism by bringing existentialism and humanism together...
Plato on Beauty and the Beautiful
The idea of beauty permeates the dialogues of Plato. The beautiful, as a notion, lies at the heart...
Heidegger on Facticity
For Heidegger, facticity is what decides, conditions, or determines Dasein’s existence from out of Dasein’s own existence in...
Explaining Sartre’s “Hell Is Other People”
Sartre’s “hell is other people” means that it is hell to exist subject to, awaiting, and controlled by...
Schopenhauer on Music: A “Copy of the Will Itself”
Schopenhauer philosophized, played, loved, and wrote about music. He was a frequent attendee at the Frankfurt Opera. His...
Camus: Absurdism, Nihilism, and Solidarity
Is the absurdism of Camus a form of nihilism? Is the absurd nihilistic? And to what extent could...
Plato on Death and Afterlife
Death is a recurrent theme in the thinking-philosophizing of Plato. The fear of death, Plato says, burdens humans...