In Sartre’s existentialism, “transcendence-transcended” is a mode of being. The human being is a transcendence, an entity that...
Sartre and Marxism: The Problem of Freedom
Sartre, in his later work, attempts to bring his version of existentialism together with Marxism. This attempt is...
Heidegger on Angst (Anxiety, Dread, or Anguish)
Angst is a mood that individualizes Dasein by proving that social relations and determined roles can never make...
Sartre on Consciousness: “There Is Consciousness”
Firstly, the realization that there is consciousness. Secondly, discovering what is not consciousness, which is the world. Finally,...
Heidegger: Ready-to-Hand and Present-at-Hand
For Heidegger, the objects with which Dasein comes face to face do not have the same way of...
Overcoming Metaphysics in Heidegger’s Later Thought
Overcoming metaphysics holds together Heidegger’s later writings and lets them announce themselves as repeated attempts at thinking this...
Sartre’s Denial of Human Nature
The existentialism of Sartre arises from the conviction that there is no human nature. “Existence precedes essence” conveys...
Sartre on God: Impossible and a Dream
The assumption that there exists a God, a conscious God that preceded and created the universe is something...
Heidegger on Temporality
For Heidegger, temporality is how time conditions and determines Being in general and the being of Dasein in...
Heidegger on Poetry and the Grounding of Being
For Heidegger, language is that through which being shows itself. And in poetry, when it is an originary...
Sartre on the Contingency of Being
For Sartre, the contingency of being means existing without ever finding the reason for this existence and hence...
Sartre’s “Being For-Itself”: What Does It Mean?
For Sartre, there are two modes of being: “Being in-itself” and “Being for-itself”. “Being for-itself” is the mode...
What Does Heidegger Mean by “World”?
Heidegger describes the Being of “Dasein” as “being-there”, where “there” refers to the world. For Heidegger, the world...
Existentialism; Briefly Explained
What is existentialism? Perhaps there is no direct answer. That which gathers itself into the term “existentialism” is...
What Is “Dasein”?
Perhaps this is one of the first questions that should be asked whilst approaching the philosophy of Heidegger:...
Heidegger on “Moods”: An Introduction
The German word that Heidegger uses is Befindlichkeit, which does not mean ‘mood’, but rather ‘how one finds...
What Did Sartre Say About the body?
The body is not a tool that the individual might use, but rather the center and origin of...
What Does Sartre Mean by “Being in-Itself”?
In Being and Nothingness, Sartre refuses any dualistic thinking of the world, and introduces what he calls “being...