In Sartre’s existentialism, “transcendence-transcended” is a mode of being. The human being is a transcendence, an entity that...
Heidegger: Ready-to-Hand and Present-at-Hand
For Heidegger, the objects with which Dasein comes face to face do not have the same way of...
Heidegger on Authenticity: Realizing Finitude
Heidegger thinks the authenticity and inauthenticity of Dasein from out of a specific relatedness into which he places...
Heidegger on Facticity
For Heidegger, facticity is what decides, conditions, or determines Dasein’s existence from out of Dasein’s own existence in...
Heidegger: The Problem of Other Minds, Everydayness, and Being-in-the-World as Being-With
Heidegger attempts to solve the problem of other minds by analyzing Dasein’s “being-in-the-world”. Dasein’s everydayness is essentially “being-with”...
What Is “Dasein”?
Perhaps this is one of the first questions that should be asked whilst approaching the philosophy of Heidegger:...
Heidegger on “Moods”: An Introduction
The German word that Heidegger uses is Befindlichkeit, which does not mean ‘mood’, but rather ‘how one finds...
What Did Sartre Say About the body?
The body is not a tool that the individual might use, but rather the center and origin of...