In Being and Nothingness, Sartre refuses any dualistic thinking of the world, and introduces what he calls “being...

In Being and Nothingness, Sartre refuses any dualistic thinking of the world, and introduces what he calls “being...
The unconscious, for Sartre, means that there is a part of ourselves that is absent, radically foreign, and...
Perhaps it is through the following questions that Dostoyevsky’s writings might be approached: What does it mean to...
The fourfold thinks the thing. It is the gathering of earth, sky, mortals, and divinities into the forming...
Foucault thinks the breaking up of history into fragments, and introduces a difference between histories of continuities and...
In Discourse on Method, Descartes places humans over against nature and brings them together into a relatedness governed...
We belong to a time, according to Heidegger, in which a breaking up of the onto-theology holding metaphysics...
It is in the word of the poet that any possible undoing of the world dwells. Subversion dwells...
“Has there ever been a single philosopher who recognized God?” Perhaps this is one of the most important...
In his article, The Social Anarchy of Art, Antonin Artaud links together the artist and the unconscious of...
Existential isolation belongs to existence and arises because there is existence and existing, and because we exist; it...
Perhaps it is only in the poetry of Anna Akhmatova that suffering, for the first time, opens itself...