Bad faith lies at the heart of the existentialism of Sartre. It appears early in Being and Nothingness...
Explaining Sartre’s “Existence Precedes Essence”
“Existence precedes essence” was first mentioned in a public lecture that was later published as Existentialism Is a...
Sartre on Freedom, Condemnation, and the Situation
For Sartre, freedom and responsibility are linked in such a way that places them in a constant relatedness...
Sartre: Solipsism, the Problem of Other Minds, and the Look
In Being and Nothingness, Sartre attempts to overcome solipsism by proving the existence of other minds through his...
Sartre on the Contingency of Being
For Sartre, the contingency of being means existing without ever finding the reason for this existence and hence...
Sartre’s “Being For-Itself”: What Does It Mean?
For Sartre, there are two modes of being: “Being in-itself” and “Being for-itself”. “Being for-itself” is the mode...
Existentialism; Briefly Explained
What is existentialism? Perhaps there is no direct answer. That which gathers itself into the term “existentialism” is...
Sartre: The Face of Existence and then Disgust, Meaninglessness, and Selflessness
It is always the moment in which the world decides to distance itself from oneself and leaves one...
What Does Sartre Mean by “Transcendence”?
Transcendence occurs because the “for-itself”, that is, consciousness, is a nothingness. Consciousness, for Sartre, is what it is...
What Did Sartre Say About the body?
The body is not a tool that the individual might use, but rather the center and origin of...
Sartre on Anguish: “We Are Anguish”
Sartre defines consciousness as nothingness and nothingness as freedom. It is in this togetherness of consciousness and freedom...
What Does Sartre Mean by “Being in-Itself”?
In Being and Nothingness, Sartre refuses any dualistic thinking of the world, and introduces what he calls “being...
Why Did Sartre Refuse the Freudian Unconscious?
The unconscious, for Sartre, means that there is a part of ourselves that is absent, radically foreign, and...