Denial of the will, Schopenhauer says, must be the objective of every philosophizing and all thinking. Salvation occurs...

Denial of the will, Schopenhauer says, must be the objective of every philosophizing and all thinking. Salvation occurs...
According to Schopenhauer, suffering permeates life and shapes human existence; it cannot be escaped or eliminated, for it...
Schopenhauer philosophized, played, loved, and wrote about music. He was a frequent attendee at the Frankfurt Opera. His...
On The Vanity and Suffering of Life is an essay that appears in the second volume of Schopenhauer’s...
Schopenhauer’s pessimism resides in two related claims: that “all life is suffering”, and accordingly that the world and...
In The World as Will and Representation, Schopenhauer defines egoism as an event in which a person “makes...
According to Schopenhauer, “all life is suffering”. Hence, suicide might arise as a possibility, as the only response...
The notions of repression, the unconscious, madness, and sex lie at the heart of Freud’s psychoanalysis; they also...
In the philosophy of Schopenhauer, there is a relation linking together religion, philosophy, and salvation, yet this relation...
For Schopenhauer, death is central because it is linked with the “will-to-live”. Death also opens up a space...
Schopenhauer constructs a philosophical system around and upon what he calls the “will-to-live” and thus implies death and...
Schopenhauer links together suffering and the “will-to-live”, thinks them form out of their togetherness, and says that suffering...